Tuesday 29 October 2013

RebelMouse launches iOS app for mobile blog creation

Following a launch on Android, the RebelMouse social network blog creator is now available to download on iOS. RebelMouse allows users to craft a personalized blog, using content they’ve shared across multiple social networks, in an effort to create one central hub of their most important images, videos, status updates and more.
RebelMouse users can connect to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Flickr and more, and can then watch as the platform automatically pulls in content from each feed. Users have the ability to edit or add their own posts manually, to keep everything in one central theme. They can also move content around, or freeze content at the top of the page to make sure it never becomes buried by new posts.
RebelMouse users can also find other users to follow and befriend, and can view their feed of followed users on the iOS app. The app offers the same basic tools as the traditional browser version of the platform, including access to drafts, site sharing, writing new posts, email alerts and other general site management options.
New RebelMouse sites can be created surrounding specific topics or events, like family vacations or holidays, for instance. Users can then take photos from their device’s camera roll and add them to the page, editing their captions, tags and more. RebelMouse posts can be shared to Twitter, Facebook or Google+ as well, so even non-RebelMouse users on other social networks can still stay up-to-date.
“As we continue to gain momentum with over 15 million unique monthly visitors, we created this version to ensure that RebelMouse is available to everyone,” said RebelMouse CEO Paul Berry, on the company’s blog.
RebelMouse is now available as a free app on iOS. Check back soon to follow the app on AppData, our tracking service for mobile and social apps and developers.

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